vans came in the mail. i'm happy for the next day. pretty sure it's a universal feeling, but getting new things always puts me into a wonderful mood. everythings still good. moneys still tight. and i'm nervous about christmas shopping. i hardly know what i am getting anyone. im pretty irritated with work lately.. since the two 2 year old classrooms were combined i feel like they dont look to me as a head teacher anymore. i mean, its okay because i am still being paid as a teacher with half of the work. but at the same time i was so excited about being in that position and knowing that all of these people had faith in me, that having it taken away is such a hard blow. after christmas i'm saving my money so much and buying a car...... again. my head hurts.
Hahahah I love that song, Kate was dancing along and doing everything they were doing, it was hilarious. What a great song.
it's basically what i always get, it's just fuller than it used to look. i like it a lot. how are you doing yours? and yes i remember that! i just went to sink the ink and picked up one that was suprisingly really really cheap (5 bucks). i wanna see what it looks like! im having such a hard time with it!
Joie, next girls night I'm forcing you to come. I'll resort to kidnapping if I must.
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