Wednesday, April 09, 2008



it took us way too long to get to know eachother. i'm sorry that i'll probably never know you as well as i could have. i want to spend the next few weeks living by your bedside, spending every second with you. truth is, i'm scared. you were never mean to me. i don't know why i always thought the two of you hated me, i just never knew what happened before, so things seemed different. you were the best. you still are. i remember before everything happened with you, when you were still a big guy.. you were so big. it was all at the old house. you used to tell me that you had a sweet tooth and it was special and you could take it out of your mouth.. then you'd pull it out. i tried to do that for years, haha, i only recently remembered and figured out what it really was. and you used to have those casino games in your house, but i'm pretty sure i always had to put the money back.. maybe not. either way, it was so fun. and the big swings on the porch, that was such a fun house. i was so little. i don't know why i never tried to have a better relationship with you. i regret that so much, i want to be close to you. i'm so sorry. thanks for always have sorbet for me, since noone could ever get me to eat anything else when i came over. i miss you already. i just want to give you a big hug that never stops. this isn't fair. and i don't know how to handle only having you around for a few more weeks.. and knowing that. i love you so much. i really do. i don't know what she's going to do without you. you're so in love with eachother. over the past few months everytime i had to watch you say goodbye and not know when you would see eachother again, it broke my heart. you're the best people i know. and i can't stand the thought of losing one of you. i love you. hold on just a little longer, if you can, i need more time with you.

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